52Cakes is supporting The Pigeon Community Multicultural Development Center
52Cakes is supporting The Pigeon Community Multicultural Development Center
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52Cakes is thrilled to collaborate with the Pigeon Community Multicultural Development Center (PCMDC) this week, bringing sweetness to their mission of fostering unity. This week’s featured cake, a decadent chocolate, with a luscious chocolate mousse filling, is topped with vanilla buttercream, and adorned with our special knitted-style fondant. A community knitted together describes the sweetness that comes from bringing people together and mirrors the warmth and care PCMDC extends to the community. The cake is a 9-inch and will serve 15. As a minority-run organization, PCMDC exemplifies inclusivity, actively reaching out to embrace the Hispanic and indigenous Appalachian communities. Through initiatives like the Summer Enrichment Program (SEP) and Afterschool Program (ASP), PCMDC goes beyond academic support, bridging educational gaps and providing holistic assistance to low-income, often immigrant families. Understanding the challenges faced by program participants, PCMDC has crafted a curriculum that addresses crucial aspects often overlooked in traditional education. From health and wellness to civil engagement, history, and social and emotional learning (SEL) activities, they are filling essential gaps and making a lasting impact on the lives of those they serve. The PCMDC team, primarily composed of minority community members, strives to embody diversity in leadership roles, despite facing challenges due to limited funding. Their commitment to this cause is evident in every effort they make. Recognizing the importance of emotional wellness, PCMDC goes above and beyond by partnering with the 30th Judicial District Alliance for therapy dog sessions and collaborating with the First United Methodist Church for enriching arts programming. These initiatives enhance the overall quality of life for participants, showcasing PCMDC's dedication to holistic well-being. We invite you to learn more about the incredible work of PCMDC by visiting their website: https://pcmdc.org/. Let's join hands and celebrate the sweetness of community, diversity, and the positive impact that organizations like PCMDC bring to our lives.
2.00% sales tax will be applied to your winning bid.
A note from Farm to Cake Bakery: We are overjoyed to be part of a community that thrives on helping one another, where lending a hand is a way of life. We receive numerous requests each week to contribute to various causes, and while we’d love to assist every time, it’s not always possible. That’s why we’ve embarked on our very own fundraising initiative: ’52 Cakes.’
Each week, we’ll craft a unique and delightful cake, focusing on either its style or flavor, or both. Then, we’ll auction off that delectable creation. Our commitment is to donate one cake per week, supporting 52 different non-profit organizations, initiatives, and projects right here in Haywood County. Every cent raised will be directed to the cause of the week, and the following week, we’ll select another deserving cause to support.
We want to express our heartfelt appreciation to the platform that manages the bids and collects the funds on our behalf. All the winning bidder needs to do is pick up the cake on Friday morning and savor every bite, knowing they’ve made a difference.
The cakes will be finished and posted in social media and here on our website every Thursday morning. You have until 5:00 PM to bid on the cake. The winning bidder will be notified and all they need to do is pickup the cake Friday! We will list each week’s donation and the cake that earned it here every week. If you want to be included as a recipient, please send us your name, organization, contact information, a little about you and how the money will be used.
For more information about Farm to Cake and 52 Cakes visit: https://farmtocakebakery.com/52-cakes-earning-money-to.../ To become a recipient of 52 Cakes please visit: https://farmtocakebakery.com/52-cakes-application/ Thank you immensely for your support of ’52 Cakes.’ Have a fantastic day!”
Item delivery: After you have paid for any auction items that you won, please contact us at cake@farmtocakebakery.com and we can answer any questions you may have about pickup. The cake will be available when we open Friday at 10:00 and there is parking behind and beside our building. 500 Hazelwood Ave, Waynesville, NC